KPK arrests Judge in Bandung.

Corruption Eradication Commission arrested a woman judge of the Industrial Relations Court initials ID Bandung, on Thursday (06/30/2011) night. He is suspected of accepting bribes worth Rp 200 million from a company karyawaan initials PT OI OJ. Both ID and OJ and then herded into the building KPK Jakarta for questioning.

"KPK to the deepening of the event," said Head of Reporting and Information Commission, Priharsa Nugraha, Thursday (06/30/2011) night.

According Priharsa, Judge ID arrested at around 19:30 in the Cinunu, Bandung, West Java. He arrived at the KPK building Jakarta at about 22:45.

Not long ago, the KPK also arrested a Central Jakarta District Court judge named Syarifuddin. He was arrested at his home, in Sunter, North Jakarta area shortly after allegedly receiving bribes from a curator named Puguh Wirawan. KPK confiscated evidence in the form of cash bribes valued at USD 250 million during the arrest. In addition, the Commission found a number of foreign currency amounting to more than USD 2 billion in home Syarifuddin.

Last year, the KPK also arrested an Administrative Court judge named Ibrahim, who allegedly received bribes of Rp 300 million from lawyers Ardner Sirait.

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OC Kaligis: Nazaruddin Ready for War!

M Nazaruddin attorney, the suspect cases of alleged bribery SEA Games athlete development house in Palembang, OC Kaligis, said his client was ready to dismantle all of the involvement of multiple stakeholders such cases. KPK set Nazaruddin as a suspect in the case of alleged bribery-related development Sesmenpora Pensions Athletes Sea Games in Palembang.

We will dismantle all, when it's like this we are ready for war.

He said that in recent days he has been doing intensive communication with Nazaruddin. In communications, the member of House Commission VII was revealed, in this case a sum of money flowing into a number of Council members including the Youth and Sports Minister Andi Malarangeng and Chairman of the Democratic Party Anas Urbaningrum.

According Kaligis, his client was disappointed with the current setting himself as a suspect. The reason, Nazaruddin felt himself always considered guilty in the case.

"He (Nazaruddin) said that he had never received a penny of money that any of the cases Menpora.'s Why he was confused and assess it all engineering," he said.

As reported on Thursday (06/30/2011), Vice Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission, Bibit Samad Rianto revealed, Nazaruddin suspected of receiving bribes violated three articles, namely Article 5 Paragraph 2 and or Article 12 letters a and b, and Article 11 of Act on Corruption.

However, the seeds have not been able to reveal the role Nazaruddin in the case. According to Seed, the determination Nazaruddin as a suspect was based on evidence, either in the form of witness statements and documentary evidence.

This case involves three other suspects namely the Secretary of Youth and Sports Minister Wafid Muharram, Marketing Director of PT Mindo Rosalina Manulang Children Affairs, and Marketing Manager of PT Duta Graha Indah, El Mohamad Idris.

Previously, the Commission scheduled a three-calling examination of Nazaruddin in his capacity as a witness related to the case. However, Nazaruddin absent from three times the calling. He claimed to be in Singapore for heart treatment.

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La fuerza del destino capitulo 77

good night for the lovers of La fuerza del Destino capitulo 77 I hope you all are in good health always, we give you a little picture of your favorite films storyline is no less interesting than ever, and the show is more exciting than ever - already, so if you not made time for watching this show I'm sure you akang regret, because the story is very interesting, this is a picture story of sayah.

Lucía acepta que le ayudó Iván, pero fue una coincidencia. Camilo Cree y no le quiere saber de Qué hablaron. Ella se niega a discutir de Nuevo y le PIDE Posada a Carlota.

Va a ver a Camilo Iván, le pregunta the ayudó a Lucía por casualidad o ella le habló, comenta que llegó a destruir sus vidas. Iván quiere saber por casaron Qué tan pronto se, que se dice Camilo enamoraron, Iván lo widower, pues ve que sigue enamorada de Lucía
el. Camilo le PIDE que los deje en paz.

Lucía y Carlota deciden acondicionar que un Cuarto the duerma Lucía con la Nina. Carlota le sugiere que se de Camilo divorcie.

Camilo se entera de que Lucía cambiará de Cuarto, ella no quiere Volver A Dormir con el celando the la sigue, le Exige que le deje de hablar de Iván. Camilo le ofrece disculpas y promete cambiar.

Lucrecia se entera de que Iván y Lucía y siguen amándose amenaza con que se divorcia the Lucía, ella se suicida. Maripaz oye esto y ella dice que vivía Cuando el amor con Iván hacían Diario.

Juan Jaime Habla con Anthony e Iván sobre el? Malentendido? con el Seguro, intenta poner en contra de a Iván Camilo its lo que no apoye.

Iván le llama a Lucía, que ella se admite con acostó Camilo después de su ultima noche, pero al decir que miente Perlita no es hija de Iván y le cuelga. Iván se asegura que las va a dejar jamás.

Camilo suplica a Lucía que le regrese al Cuarto, ella le PIDE the un tiempo que se Ambos tranquilicen. Más tarde, se encuentra con Maripaz Camilo, quien lo invita a beber vodka y se le insinúa, cubits que el la BESA apasionadamente. Cleto los ve. Maripaz lo invita a su Cuarto, le dice que ya Oyo a Lucrecia Carlota hablando del próximo divorcio de Lucía. Camilo se va alterado.

Iván Decide quedarse en Alamos e inscribir a Alex en México, the corroborar quiere es su hija Perla. Anthony sospecha que va a Lucía que se influir the divorcie.

Antolín le dice a Camilo de la Asamblea y que se le PIDE lance como presidente, Camilo no quiere.

Cleto le cuenta a Carlota que vio y Camilo besándose a Maripaz. Enfurece Carlota y corre de la casa a Maripaz. Camilo que ella inventa la beso a la fuerza, pero nadie le Cree.

Antolín Jaime le dice a Juan que a los agricultores convenció de ir a la Asamblea, pero lo que no le creyeron de los errores en el Seguro, también le Informa Camilo no quiere que su puesto.

Lucrecia le dice que puede quedarse a Maripaz, a condición de que se de Camilo alejada Mantenga.

Lucía reclamarle a Camilo no piensa, porque ella también se beso con Iván. Carlota le sugiere que al amor no renuncie.

Habla con Alex Iván y se entera de que se encontró con Camilo y se Maripaz besando estuvo con ella. ¿Esto Usará the separarlo de Lucía?

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